Thursday, November 14, 2013

Student Categorization
I have come to the conclusion, all throughout school you can categorize students into three categorize. You have the “Jocks”-rambunctious and jokers; “Nerds”-studious and short pants/long socks; “Ordinaries”-average day middle school students. One thing I have noticed for these three categories is that the kids are in these categorize through social life and not intelligence.

Preference of Strategies
I have come to the conclusion, I like the idea of seating charts, dimming lights during calm/quiet moments, background music, allowed gum, worksheets, and group work! The students LOVE doing stuff with technology and writing on the white board. One major thing I have come to realization during this observation is that every classroom is a home away from home. A teacher’s classroom is a box of an area in a building to put their personality into the design and the students! I am not a huge technology person; however, I came to terms of a blog is a BRILLIANT invention! I have decided that throughout all of my interns/observations and teaching years I will keep a blog for the parents to go to. This will help with communication with parents about what the lesson is and homework for the day. I can use this to inform parents along with take home notes and e-mail reminders. But, I can turn the blog into a daily entry of a story—such as the blogs we are doing now! I have also discovered, my biggest talent/skill/hobby will help in my teaching profession—ORGANIZATION! :D

An End to a New Beginning
THANK YOU for allowing me to come in and observe your classroom! This experience has been MEANINGFUL and EDUCATIONAL for me. I have BENEFITED a lot by observing the students in their education atmosphere and the MARVELS of teaching strategies! A few things I have depicted form this observation is being an OPEN-MINDED person. As teachers we must UNDERSTAND what it is like to be in the student’s shoes. I have seen great INTELLEGANTS and CREATIVITY in this classroom more than any classroom I have EVER observed in before. You guys are a GREAT bunch of FABULOUS children with an AMAZING education! I will leave you guys with this statement spoken by Martin Luther King Jr., “FAITH is taking the first STEP even when you don’t see the WHOLE staircase.” KEEP up the GREAT work and FOLLOW your DREAMS!
THANK YOU so much for this OPPORTUNITY!
Cassandra Schroeder
Dakota State University

Fall 2013

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