Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Block Two

This section of the school period is more rambunctious and willing! The kids are jumping out of their seats to volunteer to be interactive when the teacher ask for interaction. It may just be the number of students that gives the impact of the student’s personal activity, it could be the time period of the day, or the layout of the classroom. One of the major outcomes of the unfocused attention could be triggered because the desk are in a new layout in the classroom. Can the layout of the desk make a complete difference in the attitude and attention span in a classroom? The answer to this question is YES! Theorist Piaget investigated on children’s cognitive development. He elaborated on how the setting, color, furniture, etc. can make a huge impact on the classroom atmosphere. The kids are very talkative and zoning what is going on around in the classroom, rather than focusing on the work. However, they still manage to get done with activities faster than the first block. In this class period, I feel as the observation rather than the observer.

Effective Teaching

I have noticed that incorporating music helps teaching being effective and to keep the students engaged with the activity and not with each other. This may just be a generation kind of technique or an efficient technique throughout and just now being discovered more and incorporated within the curriculum or lesson plan. Also, I have understood how much the classroom environment and layout of the classroom is EXTREMELY important to make an effective classroom. I have come to realization as a professional teaching I appreciate and understand the importance of a seating chart! A seating chart can help eliminate excluding students and keep will also help keep the students connected with the class during the whole 90 minute class period.

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