My Pursing Degree!
October 24, 201
Re-evaluation...Teaching Mission: What makes a driven effective teacher?
The inevitable question asked from the day a person is born to the day they get a career, “What future career makes your heart pulsate while imaging yourself in that career’s shoes?” Well, the other day I sat in on a conference where the speaker was the 2013 teacher of the year for South Dakota, Katie Anderson. Anderson talked a lot about how she became a successful teacher in just ten years. Anderson’s main point to get her audience thinking was by emphasized on asking the audience, “What is driving them to become teachers and effective in their teaching?” I came to the conclusion that I did not just want to be another individual in the world that educated the next generation of brilliant minds. I want to make a difference in other people’s lives. I want to generate sentiment of being accepted, loved, understood, and inspired!
Being a teacher is not just appealing to hang out with kids all day, having summers off, or breezing through life. In my mind, teaching is a career I can gloat about at free will. However, teaching is making every child feel victorious and excepted. Helping the children to figure out their purpose in life while working on life skills that they will use every day in life. I do not just want to be another teacher. I want students to get something out of my class and role in their life. My goals are to focus on the students emotionally, mentally, and physically. I want to learn as much as I can to have effective teaching strategies to help each and every child that walks through my classroom door to be triumphant and benefit from my teaching. I want each children to be able to say, “Somebody [Ms. Schroeder] believes in me!”
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