Sunday, October 20, 2013

Average Day

October 17, 2013


One thing I love most about this teacher is that she KNOWS her stuff as an educator! She connects her past lessons with her new lessons very well. She interrupts technology, textbook, and writing well into her lessons. She engages her students and knows how to control her classroom.


The students can be quite rambunctious and distracted for being in the last class of the school day. However, the students are still invested into their studies. They were quite stressed over their test scores. They engage in ways to improve their grade with the make-up test and note card make-up. The students also are big into volunteer reading; this surprised me quite a bit! Back in the day, when I was in middle school, the teachers had struggled getting us, students, to volunteer for reading. These kids are efficient and willing to do a task, read, that can be dreaded; I am quite pleased and proud of the students in their advancement and love of reading. This just proves that the school has done well emphasizing on reading skills for the students.


-Read, Talk, Write (30 words minimum)--READ the text, REFLECT with elbow partner, OUTLINE information in notebooks.
-Students are starting to be more mixed in gender--two boys were blended in with the girls in where the children chose to sit for the day.

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